Johnson Matthey and Bosch join forces in hydrogen fuel cell push
Johnson Matthey and Bosch have partnered to develop high-performance catalyst coated membranes (CCMs) for hydrogen fuel cells.
Bosch is investing over $2.5 BILLION in hydrogen technology by 2026
Bosch employs more than 3,000 people in hydrogen technology – and plans to generate sales of roughly 5billion euros by 2030.
HGV manufacturer admits green hydrogen offers a ‘compelling solution’
Hydrogen ‘could soon be challenging’ diesel for the lead in the provision of fuel for the HGV market, according to Dr David Telford.
World’s biggest truck makers are backing hydrogen fuel
Ever wondered how the trucking industry plans to tackle emissions without sacrificing power? Hydrogen might just be the answer. As the globe shifts toward green energy, giants like Volvo and…